Nextal ATS provides by default many reports and analytics based on your company profile.
Recruitment Agencies usually have different views than retail companies.
Some clients may required specific reports. In these cases our professional services can customize new reports for them.
For Retail:
Reports about your company’s recruitment practices by Director of Sales, Regional Manager and Hiring Manager.
To access them click on “Analytics” on the top right menu bar:

The table shows key information that can be use to improve your recruitment processes and reduce the time to hire.
It shows for each the number of existing jobs under his or her responsibility, Average time to close jobs in days (TTC), number of total application received, number of candidates hired, irritated candidates (Irr: candidates that did not get any response or did not move from the applied column in the kanban during the first week since they applied) and average irritated candidates.
The goal is obviously to to have 0% irr.

A few basic graph are shown by default in the home page:
Jobs by status graph shows a break down of existing jobs and their statuses. Moving the mouse over the pie will provide you with percentage (%) details.

Jobs by province graph shows a break down of your current jobs by province. Moving the mouse over the pie will provide you with percentage (%) details.

Breakdown of Jobs created by template.

Breakdown of jobs created by region.

Jobs report with the number of candidates that went through each state of the kanban.
To have access to this report your instance needs to be configured as a recruitment agency. You can access this report by clicking on the stats tab in any job.