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Most Common Questions

Browse through our helpful Articles, Tutorials, and Resources:

Can I customized the job steps ?

The job steps are configurable  per account. This mean that this is the role of the admin of your account to define the process of hiring. It is the role of the human resources department to define the scheme of the hiring process in your company.

This ensure that each department follow the same  hiring process and that each candidate are manage the same  way.

How do I report a bug?

You can always  contact us throw the application using the online chat. Our chat is open from 8am to 8pn from Monday to Friday. That being said you can always report a bug or ask a question if we are off-line.

We  will answer you as soon as we are back and the answer will appear in the chat the next time you connect or you will receive an answer by email.

How do I stop email notification?

If you receive to many email you can update your profile to get only the notification that matter for you.

If you do not want to receive any email at all go to your profile  and change you preferences.

Who defines the job templates ?

In order to respect the company policies only the administrator of an account is allow to define/update or remove a job template. The human resource department can update them any time.

In order to ensure a standard and automate the process as much as possible hiring manager can not create job from scratch.

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